What's this "NoNag" channel all about?


To stop the tivo from popping up whinging messages that you are running out of guide data and need to make a daily call.

With the proper US service, they provide data for at least 2 weeks in advance, and extra data is added on every day/couple of days, so the tivo always has a couple of weeks worth of data.

In our situation, either using slices or the emulator, because of the way scheduling works here, (and the availability of tv guide data) we're only working a week at a time, which would constantly cause tivo to whinge that it was running out of data.

As a result the dummy nonag channel exists, with dodgy data a month or so in the future in it, which is enough for tivo to think it has enough data not to whinge.

It's probably a good idea to go into the "Channels You Receive" option in the Preferences and disable the NoNag channel, so you don't accidently go browsing in it and set something up to record.

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-- SimonQuigley - 09 Feb 2004

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Topic revision: r1 - 2004-02-09 - SimonQuigley
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